In this contribution to Bulletin 31, Aurea Mota discusses the radical potential and political limits of rights of nature in the effort to achieve environmental justice.
Cosmopolitismo en América Latina, un Recorrido Histórico Conceptual
Cosmopolitanism, Critical thinking, Historical sociology, Latin America.
First Issue of the Philosophical Booklet Filosofía Transeúnte
Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Filosofía política. Humanidades indisciplinadas: utopías, cuerpos y cosmos.
Gender Perspective in Research
Gender Perspective in Research, UNED Seminar (Spain), November 2023.
Metamorfoses da Sociologia: Deslocamento, Mulheres Intelectuais e Conhecimento Global
Nono episódio da série Metamorfoses da Sociologia, no podcast República de Ideias.
Chair on Citizenship and Fight Against Corruption
Chair on Citizenship and Fight Against Corruption – National University of Colombia, May/2023 (Es) – Session 11: Equality, Co-Governance, and Democracy.
Constitutional Processes in Latin America
Colloquia at Alberto Hurtado University / Constitutional Processes in Latin America.
Interview by Beatriz Silva with Peter Wagner and Aurea Mota
Interview by Beatriz Silva with Peter Wagner and Aurea Mota about the book “Collective Action and Political Transformation” – Revista Heterodoxia, February/2021.
XIII International Seminar on Values and Democratic Practices for Youth Leadership
XIII International Seminar on Values and Democratic Practices for Youth Leadership: Conference with Aurea Mota and Ana Lucía Fernández, November/2020.
Virtual Seminar CLACSO – Modernity, Colonialism, and Emancipation
Virtual Seminar CLACSO – Modernity, Colonialism, and Emancipation. All course available on YouTube.